Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Clothing Fair

Not that I care about clothing but I went to the big clothing fair to see what was happening. Actually I went several times to go through all the sims.

First take on the layout. It was terrible. If you are going to have a fair, have a fair. This was just a bunch of broken down shops set as if they were in a deserted ghost town. I think if you are going to have a big event like this, the organizers, should hire help for each sim to talk to shoppers, give out something kewl. And there was no ice cream, no cotton candy, no chocolate. OK, it's LENT, but still how droll!

As to the shops. I was amazed how some people are still trying to sell the schmattas they made years ago. And even a few of the better shops forgot that belts need to be 'mod'. I saw dresses I wouldn't put on my cat (if i had one). Does anyone still buy t-shirts from Orientation Island?

There wasn't even a new shop. A store I didn't know. One that sold a blouse I so didn't need but would buy. The men's stores seemed like they had better goods. A couple of my gf's would hang out near one rating the men as they came and went. "His thighs are to thin." or "His thighs are to thick." Goldilock's couldn't find the '"thighs that were just right."

So most of the clothing was terrible. The sims were terrible but there was still some fun. Example, I saw a woman whose must have gone for the SL title of biggest tits. I mean these were 48DDDD. I didn't even think it was possible. (hmmm, maybe she had prim extensions). And then there was the 'girl????' whose first name was, "IWantItNow". Someone tell her, we all want it now and then again and again.

Why didn't they have dogs and horses wandering the sim. They should have had a ferris wheel. How about a booth where you could win a cupie doll? I felt like the whole thing was being subsidized by the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury. It was so 'bailout' looking.

Oh well, I'll stop ranting. Yikes, I've got hundreds of dresses I've never worn. Maybe I should start a "Clothing Fair".

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Been To Long Since Last Spring

It's been to long since I've written and so many great things have happened in both lives (and of course there has been some drama in friends lives. Also some hardships. But, today I'd like to get in the mood of JOY!

Last night I wandered over with four of my gf's to the clothing fair. Just to keep things on a even keel I tp'd in a male friend of mine who took the obligatory shopping mall chair and waited for us girls to shop.

Off we went strolling, from store to store, looking at what as good and what was bad. My friend V was looking for 'what was bad,' since she kept calling us to come look at this and each time it turned out to be a man. It became obvious V. was more looking to get out of her old clothes and into a new bf then finding the right spring fashion.

Prior to our shopping spree (yes I bought to much but at least I have the shoes) I had done my Wednesday Open Mic and then my friend JWheels had put together a comedy show. After doing my part the next comedian got up and started his act. I am not sure where an audience is for someone who uses a f word as the core of a sentence and modified only by putting down women.

I know I do a lot of jokes about men but believe me I think men are great. I don't PUT down any gender, race, etc. and this comedians constant poor taste was obvious by the ewwww's and tp's out during his show.

So, I just tp'd out and went shopping. I was so happy with our little shopping group I stayed in world longer then I planned. It was wonderful. During these past months it has been my friends and my shopping consoling me through the difficult maze of first life.

SecondLife can be the joy we all seek when we need it or be the drama we don't need. I choose JOY.....The joy of my friends. The joy of my new dress. The joy of comfortable boots. And the JOY of knowing it's SPRING where I live.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When Your SecondLife Makes Demands

There comes a time in every avie's life when his/her brain begins to weaken. She sees less clearly, moves slowly and gray becomes the new black & white and also the blue, red and yellow.

Your friends are all running the latest graphic card with 200 gigs of ram and a bazillion bits per nanosecond of wondrous pixel motion. When you go to "Edit Preferences" all you see is the limbo of SecondLife, "How Low Can You Go!" 

For the past months you've found yourself slowly ostracized to 'Garibnagar' (see Slumdog Millionaire). Your friends stop wasting their time sending you a limo and instead you stand alone as a solitary avie in a sim without textures waiting for an IM with words of encouragement.

It occurs to you, "I must buy a new computer."  And then the hunt begins. Your first thought is, "I want the biggest baddest bitch machine that can run SecondLife, ThirdLife and also give me a pedicure." So, you check both PC's and Mac's adding all the things that count such as, "I don't care if this machine can do anything else."

And then you begin the process of deciding what to buy. So, you click away adding NVidia Tesla cards, quad graphic cards in parallel of  Nvidia Quad's, a pair of Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision, cooling fans, AWG cables 0000, (that's the thickness of a tree and uses the electricity of a million homes per day). Of course you don't need MSFT Office. You want everything removed except a browser and SecondLife download.

Finally, you press total cost and it comes to $121,375 with FREE SHIPPING. You think, "so, if I sell my house and move to Starbucks...." and you stop, smile and think, "if I sell the children, all my clothes, my car....." and your brow furrows with a seriousness, "I wonder if they can build a microwave, freezer/fridge combo into this."

Slowly, you return to reality and order a machine you can afford. Something with just a gig of ram more then you had. A new graphics card and you press BUY. You want it to arrive tomorrow but that's Friday and it won't arrive till Tuesday. Over the weekend, your new machine is already obsolete but there is nothing you can do about it.

You get everything ready for Tuesday and finally it arrives. You spend the hours getting it up and running and wondering "what should I do with my old machine."  Of course you can't throw it away. Give it away. Not because you are worried about your bank password but you fear someone could get your SecondLife password and then what would happen to the 'true you?"

Finally you light up your new machine. Everything works great. You can see, even at midnight. Joy! Joy! Joy!  Your old machine has been placed in your SecondLife computer masoleum which resides in the back of your closet. Over time you will come and look at this old machine and remember the shows you went to, the rides you took, the concerts you heard, the number of flawless teleportations you had. It will sit there like a decomissioned Enterprise or the Millenium Falcon. You will even see it try to power up like Wall-E on a holiday evening. Perhaps a whisper of "EVE" will echo in your closet.

By Thursday, friends have newer machines and you are starting to fall back into gray spots and you wonder, "How long must I wait to upgrade to a new machine."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This is Long and Terrific

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.

OK.....slowly we become...more

Yes, when someone says they don't know what SecondLife is about just say, "Oh, you don't read?" and give them the link to this Sunday New York Times magazine article.


Oh, and in case you wonder where we are going in this virtual reality


For both of these wonderful links....I thank Bettina Tizzy. I highly recommend the blog NPIRL (see link above)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Miss SecondLife World

Yes, I did it. I am entered in the Miss SecondLife World contest. Here's the link. Do you think I have a chance? http://secondavatar.com/photogallery/main.php